Breast Cancer

“I joined the group of wingless angels about nine months ago. I heard it from my physician Ali that those who experienced this ailment were angels without wings walking on earth, I liked this description at that time. I liked it but I was not ready at all to be an angel yet… Well, everything in life had an order; you go to school, you graduate, you find a job, you get married, you have children, you retire, you take care of your grandchildren, meanwhile, you meet with diseases that come gradually and if you are lucky, you say goodbye when the time of your life comes… It turns out that life does not say so. While you were thinking that you would knit it and finish it with straight loops, everything suddenly appeared like a pattern. In fact, the age in those poems have not always been 35, which is half of the way. I met my physician Ali the day I faced this reality. I went to him by taking my capsized soul. He welcomed me as a peaceful safe harbor.
Now, I see that I am not the only one touching at this port. What storms, births and experiences it has hosted. How precious it was to be able to anchor there.
At first, I thought it came early, and then I realized that it was even late as he taught me the value of life. I do not delay anything anymore… This year’s wedding anniversary will be celebrated this year, flowers will be greeted while walking on the road, every morning when you wake up, you will say good morning to the face in the mirror with a big smile, you will hug when you want, it will say you when you are angry, it will not be waited for tomorrow to say I love you, I have a long list like this now. ..
I know the value of the present that is mine, because there is neither yesterday nor tomorrow that has not been lived. In fact, this experience gave us life as a gift. Think about it, when the end that awaits every living thing is the same, what else could be as valuable as learning its value before it comes to an end? We are all born again… Of course, every moment of birth is painful, there is pain in it, there is fear, but if you wake up to life at the end, I think the rest of the day will come and be forgotten. I always thought cancer was death, it turned out to be realizing life and I thought it was a scalpel pain, but thanks to my physician Ali, I learned that it is also healing. I would like to express my endless thanks to physician Ali, who held our hands with his heart in this birth and enlightened us with his knowledge, I am glad that we have a port like you“
From one of our patients…
Excerpt from the 20th Anniversary Meeting in Surgery with Surgeon Ali Özlük
“I melted like a candle, even today we melted together with my patient… What remained was the flame that glowed and warmed our wick. My flame is compassion, her flame is hopeful. She was a young lady newly diagnosed with the breast cancer who came to meet and consult with me. She learned the result the day before and researched it on the internet. She was worried, afraid, unknown, did not sleep and melted like a candle (in his own words). What remained in her wick was the question and hope of “can I get well”. When she asked every question she wrote down in the notebook in her hand, I realized that I was melting like a candle. At that moment, I realized that my experience, my doctor, my position, my ability to persuade, my words and all my adjectives melted like candle. The warming flame that remained in my wick was everything and everything that was only human, the willingness to help, the compassion, the heartbreak and the responsibility it placed on me. SHE WAS VERY IMPORTANT.”
11.03.2014, SAAT 00.35
At night, when I did the accounting for the day, I attributed a lot of meaning to the moment I lived with my patient. I hope my patients are well…

The diagnosis of the breast cancer is given to one out of every eight women today. A woman who learns that she has breast cancer is left with confusion, speculative discourse, misinformation and guidance. Right information and right approach are the most important beginnings in this rotation.
By means of the changes in the diagnosis and treatment of the breast cancer in the last 30 years, there have been serious developments. There are treatment approaches where the prevalence of the breast cancer, the change in the treatment methods, the increase in awareness and thus the diagnosis of the breast cancer in the early period, the development of individual-specific treatments in the treatment approach, treatment approaches with high oncological safety, good aesthetic results, quality of life and the psychology of the patient have a high survival rate.
Today, the modern approach is to make a decision in the treatment planning of the patient in a way that discusses the alternatives in which the patient participates in the treatment decision with a team specialized in the cancer treatment. The aim here should be the treatment decision, which is the most ideal scientific and the best results for the patient. Therefore, an ideal start should be made by adopting a calmer and properly structured approach to the treatment instead of the hasty, hectic and panicked behavior of the patients and their relatives at the time of the first diagnosis. Because a patient who has just learned about the diagnosis of the breast cancer is firstly worried, shocked so to speak and fearful; in this period, the process of accepting the truth begins with a compassionate approach and accurate and realistic information for the patients and their relatives. The patient is in front of the physician with many questions in her mind for this period. A professional approach is very important for the patients and their relatives to pass this process without any problems. After the patient accepts the diagnosis of the breast cancer, she starts to think more rationally and correctly and in front of the doctor, “Yes. Doctor!… I am a breast cancer patient, what do we do, how do we start?” she says. At this stage, the breast surgeon offers the patient the ideal treatment options and results and starts the treatment step by step. Because we will be together with this group of patients and their relatives for life, experienced and professional approach with love and compassion is the first and most important step of treatment. In the treatment options, the treatment decision should be made together with the patient by taking into account the patient’s age, the size and extent of the cancer, her psychosocial status, the presence of co-morbidities and the wishes and expectations of the woman.
Our treatment journey begins by believing that we will heal.
Stay healthy and with love…
Surgeon Ali Özlük
General Surgeon and Breast Surgery Specialist
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0242 248 65 75
0553 677 30 03
Arapsuyu Mah. Atatürk Bulvarı
No : 25/34 Tasarım Plaza 3.kat
Konyaaltı / Antalya
İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü Karşısı